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La Provence: the LBA helps repair the living

The research carried out by the Laboratoire de Biomécanique Appliquée (Applied Biomechanics Laboratory) was featured in a report in La Provence on Monday December 11, 2023.

Reading time: 1 minute

Located at the heart of the Faculty of Medicine, on the University Hospital North campus, the Laboratoire de Biomécanique Appliquée (AMU/Gustave Eiffel Université) conducts multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary research involving engineers and physicians. Their aim? To understand traumas in order to better prevent and repair them, and to be able to treat the human body. All thanks to Virtual Man!

Simulating accidents to create more effective safety devices

By modeling the human body virtually, they simulate different accident situations and then assess the impact on the body. This knowledge will be used to improve road safety, while enabling automakers to produce more effective safety devices.

Their scientific strategy is therefore twofold: on the one hand, the biomechanics of trauma, which addresses the issues of understanding, preventing, managing and repairing an injury, and on the other, the therapeutic aspects of designing innovative medical devices, for example.

The report (available in French) by journalist Arthur Sorribas gives a behind-the-scenes look at this unique laboratory.